I am a strong believer in the value of open standards. This site is constructed using XHTML 1.0 and CSS, with a dab of Javascript.
Some of the tools I use most often for both programming and web development activities include:
A really nice text editor for Windows, both for general text editing as well as for programmer tasks. Has a plethora of syntax highlighting rules available for various languages.
This is a programmer's editor for serious work with HTML, XHTML, and CSS. It's not WYSIWYG, but when you want to work directly with markup and stylesheets this is a great tool. Has nice editing assistance for working with HTML and CSS elements and properties, including profiles for various levels of standards.
Very nice FTP client for Windows, make it easy to work with FTP sites. Includes a very useful synchronize operation, invaluable when sharing access to a site and you need to check for updates posted by your colleagues.
The only IDE that compares with the power and flexibility of a Smalltalk development system, but open-minded in that it works with many different languages and types of resources. I do all my Java and Python development using Eclipse, including managing supporting artifacts such as documentation and build and test tools. I also manage my web development using Eclipse, for its organization and search capabilities as well as for its integration with version control repositories, This is a great tool - maybe because it evolved out a Smalltalk development system, built by good designers with deep understanding of the power of those tools.